IFBA Releases the 2014 Progress Report

5 January 2016: The International Food & Beverage Alliance is pleased to present our 2014 Progress Report. Highlights include the adoption of a set of enhanced global commitments which will guide our health and wellness strategies over the coming years. The enhanced commitments on – product reformulation and innovation; nutrition information; responsible marketing to children; and the promotion of healthy lifestyles and physical activity – build on the commitments first made to the World Health Organization in 2008 when IFBA CEOs came together to take collective action in support of the 2004 WHO Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health.

The 2014 Progress Report provides an overview of the enhanced commitments, our goals and our targets. It also provides a review of our achievements in 2014 in each of our work areas: product formulation and innovation; nutrition information; responsible marketing to children and the promotion of healthy lifestyles and physical activity. We continued to innovate, creating products that support the goals of helping consumers achieve healthy, balanced diets. We increased and simplified the ways consumers can access nutrition information with front-of-pack labelling and new digital tools and technologies. We continued to restrict the marketing of foods high in fat, sugar and salt to children and ensured that our marketing communications focused on the promotion of balanced diets and healthy, active lifestyles. We extended our collaborations with governments and civil society and deepened our community engagements. The 2014 Progress Report provides examples of collaborations around the world that aim to address poor dietary intakes, mitigate or reverse obesity prevalence rates, increase consumer awareness of food and health issues and empower communities to embrace active and healthy lifestyles.